import arsd.simpledisplay; int[16] board; bool victory; enum TILE_SIZE = 64; bool won() { if(board[$-1]) return false; foreach(idx, item; board[0 .. $-1]) if(item != idx + 1) return false; return true; } void init() { import std.random; int[16] indexes; foreach(idx, ref i; indexes) i = cast(int) idx; int[] remaining = indexes; int inversions = 0; bool parityOdd; int one, two; foreach(i; 0 .. 16) { auto r = uniform(0, remaining.length); auto n = remaining[r]; board[i] = n; remaining[r] = remaining[$-1]; remaining = remaining[0 .. $-1]; if(n == 1) one = i; if(n == 2) two = i; if(n == 0) { parityOdd = (i / 4) % 2 == 0; } else { foreach(thing; remaining) if(thing && n > thing) inversions++; } } auto solvable = (inversions % 2) == parityOdd; if(!solvable) { // by swapping the 1 and the 2, we ought to toggle the parity just right // since 1 necessarily has 0 and 2 necessarily has 0 or 1... board[one] = 2; board[two] = 1; } } immutable string[16] strs = [ " ", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", ]; int selected; void drawBoard(SimpleWindow window) { auto painter = window.draw(); int x, y; foreach(idx, item; board) { painter.fillColor = idx == selected ? Color.yellow : victory ? : Color.white; painter.outlineColor =; painter.drawRectangle(Point(x, y), Size(TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE)); painter.drawText(Point(x, y) + (TILE_SIZE / 2 - 4), strs[item]); x += TILE_SIZE; if(x == TILE_SIZE * 4) { y += TILE_SIZE; x = 0; } } } void slide() { int zero; foreach(idx, item; board) if(item == 0) { zero = cast(int) idx; break; } if(zero == selected) return; int sx = selected % 4; int sy = selected / 4; int zx = zero % 4; int zy = zero / 4; if(sx == zx) { while(zy != sy) { int next = (zy < sy) ? zy + 1 : zy - 1; int nidx = next * 4 + zx; board[zero] = board[nidx]; board[nidx] = 0; zy = next; zero = nidx; } } else if(sy == zy) { while(zx != sx) { int next = (zx < sx) ? zx + 1 : zx - 1; int nidx = zy * 4 + next; board[zero] = board[nidx]; board[nidx] = 0; zx = next; zero = nidx; } } else { // invalid move } if(won) { victory = true; } } void main() { init; auto window = new SimpleWindow(4 * TILE_SIZE, 4 * TILE_SIZE, "Number sliding puzzle"); window.drawBoard(); window.eventLoop(0, (KeyEvent ev) { if(!ev.pressed) return; switch(ev.key) { case Key.Left: selected--; if(selected < 0) selected = 15; break; case Key.Right: selected++; if(selected == 16) selected = 0; break; case Key.Up: selected -= 4; if(selected < 0) selected += 16; break; case Key.Down: selected += 4; if(selected >= 16) selected -= 16; break; case Key.Space: slide(); break; default: } window.drawBoard(); }, (MouseEvent ev) { if(ev.type != MouseEventType.buttonPressed) return; auto x = ev.x / TILE_SIZE; auto y = ev.y / TILE_SIZE; selected = y * 4 + x; slide(); window.drawBoard(); }); }